Helping SAA-uk to remove barriers to Learning Dance and Music
ACCESS project is all about providing access to learning of South Asian music and dance for individuals and families facing societal and financial barriers. SAA-uk has history of supporting and empowering individuals from all ethnic and social backgrounds to overcome challenges, be confident and aspire to achieve.
Your support will enable us to continue to do this with a new generation of individuals and families who have no other avenue of learning music and dance due to financial barriers and total lack of high quality provision in school for South Asian Music and Dance.
This funds will allow us:
£10 will pay for two tickets to live music and dance events
£ 50 will pay for a set of bells for a dancer
£ 75 will pay for a fully costumes or jewellery for a young dancer
£100 will pay for at least 2 bursaries for regular training on the music and dance academies
£200 will contribute towards an instrument
£225 will payment for a year training In Music and Dance.